Ron Sullenger - Sutter County Supervisor

A lifelong Sutter County resident, Ron attended local schools and Chico State. He and his wife, Susan Rusk Sullenger, married in Yuba City in 1960, have four adult children and nine grandchildren.
Active in the family farm all his life, Ron primarily comes to the County from the private sector. He has been a local merchant in the community for more than 30 years. He founded Circle R Irrigation and Four Seasons Travel. After selling both businesses to former employees, Ron semi-retired to the family’s 70-acre peach orchard where he and Susan reside. They enjoy country living as much as their busy schedule allows.
Ron served in the United States Coast Guard Reserve. He is an active member and Past President of the Rotary Club of Yuba City, Past Master of the Yuba City Masonic Lodge, a 32 Degree Scottish Rite Mason and is Past Club President of the Central Sacramento Valley Shrine Club.