Funding Agricultural Replacement Measures for Emission Reductions (FARMER) Program
The FARMER Program is now closed. The District did not receive FARMER funding for FY23/24 and the District will be accepting FARMER elligible projects using the District's Carl Moyer Program. Applications for FARMER elligble projects will be posted to the District's Carl Moyer Page. If the District receives any additional funding later next year, complete applications received from the Carl Moyer Program will be used to fund additional projects.

The FARMER Program is supported by California Climate Investments, a statewide program that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment – particularly in disadvantaged communities.
The Feather River Air Quality Management District administers the Funding Agricultural Measures for Emission Reductions (FARMER) Program. The equipment must operate in Yuba or Sutter counties and all projects must comply with the 2017 Carl Moyer Guidelines.
The California Air Resources Board awarded $135 million statewide to reduce emissions from the agricultural section, which came to be known as the FARMER Program. The FARMER Program is supported by California Climate Investments, a statewide program that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment – particularly in disadvantaged communities.
Program Background
In September 2017, CARB received $135 million to reduce emissions from the agricultural sector from Assembly Bill (AB) 134 (Committee on Budget, Chapter 254, Statutes of 2017) and AB 109 (Ting, Chapter 249, Statutes of 2017). The bills provide funding for agricultural harvesting equipment, heavy-duty trucks, agricultural pump engines, tractors, and other equipment used in agricultural operations. CARB staff worked with local air districts and stakeholders to develop the proposed Funding Agricultural Replacement Measures for Emission Reductions (FARMER) Program Guidelines, which set the minimum requirements for the program and ensure that the projects funded will provide the intended emission reductions.
In March 2018, the Board approved the FARMER Program Guidelines. The administration of the FARMER Program is handled through the local air districts and local air districts will select which projects to fund.
The FARMER Program is supported in part by California Climate Investments, a statewide program that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work.
The public workshop for the Carl Moyer and FARMER Grant Programs was hosted at the District office at 541 Washington Avenue in Yuba City on Thursday February 15th, 2024. Please find a copy of the presentation below and a Zoom link to a copy of the recorded workshop presentation:
In March 2018, the Board approved the FARMER Program Guidelines. The administration of the FARMER Program is handled through the local air districts and local air districts will select which projects to fund.
Zoom Recording Link:
Passcode: 099mmL#K
Forms for Particpants:
Process for Grant Participants Zero-Emission UTVsList of Salvage YardsSalvage Certification Form
Project Types:
Zero-Emission UTVs
Zero-Emission UTV ApplicationZero-Emission UTV Fillable Application
Off-Road Equipment
Check Carl Moyer Page on January 17th, 2025.
The off-road portion shall be administered by the Feather River AQMD. Please contact Peter Angelonides at (530) 634-7659 ext 209 or pangelonides@fraqmd.or for more information.
Policy and Procedures
The FRAQMD adopted FARMER Policy and Procedures, which is available here:
FARMER Year 6 Policy & Procedures