Larry Munger - Sutter County Supervisor

Mr. Munger has been a life-long Sutter County resident and was self-employed at Munger's Market, Inc. for twenty-two years. Presently, he is self-employed on his ranch in Sutter. He is the owner of the South Butte Gamebirds and South Butte Gun Club.
Mr. Munger has served as a member of the following community organizations: Sutter Lions Club, Sutter High School Boosters Club, Junior Livestock Committee (Chairman, 1999), Elk Foundation Committee (Chairman, 1999), California Waterfowl, Ducks Unlimited, Mule Deer Foundation, North American Game Breeders Association, the National Rifle Association and the Yuba-Sutter Farm Bureau, as well as serving on numerous committees of the Board of Supervisors. He was the past Chairman of Regional Council of Rural Counties (RCRC).
Mr. Munger and his wife, Eleanor, have been married for forty-four years. They have three children and seven grandchildren.